Status Codes

An API documentation example website

Category Description
Informational, 1xx Informational status codes are interim codes that precede regular status codes and offer additional information.
Success, 2xx Success status codes indicate that your request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
Redirection, 3xx Redirection status codes indicate that further action is required by you before your request is fulfilled.
Client Error, 4xx Client error status codes indicate you may have made an error. The status code indicates if the error is permanent or temporary.
Server Error, 5xx Server error codes indicate the server is aware that it has erred or is incapable of performing the request. The status code indicates if the error is permanent or temporary.

Status and Error Code Examples

You may encounter some of the status or error codes described below when making an API request to Groovy Guitars. Examples of messages are shown.

Status Code Description
100 Continue: Continue with your request. This interim response informs you that the initial part of your request was received. Your request is neither accepted or rejected at this stage.
Example: Continue
200 OK: Your request was successfully received, understood, and accepted. Information returned depends on the type of API request made.
Example: Successful operation
201 Created: Your request was fulfilled and a new resource was created as a result.
Example: Successful creation (via POST or PUT operation)
204 No Content: The server fulfilled your request but did not return content. Metainformation might be returned in the form of entity-headers, which if present should be associated with the requested variant.
Example: no content
304 Not Modified: You must take further action before your request is fulfilled. The server did not detect any modifications in your request.
Example: Further action required
400 Bad Request: The server did not understand your request’s syntax. Modify your request and try again.
Example: Invalid ID supplied
401 Unauthorized: Your request requires user authentication, including a WWW-Authenticate header.
Example: Invalid authentication token
403 Forbidden: You are not authorized to perform the request.
Example: You are not authorized to perform the operation
404 Not Found: The server did not find any information matching your request. You may try your request again at a later time.
Example: Guitar not found
405 Method Not Allowed: Your request contained a resource using a request method not supported by that resource.
Example: Validation exception
500 Internal Server Error: The server cannot fulfill your request due to an unexpected internal error. You may try your request again at a later time.
Example: Internal server error
503 Service Unavailable: The server cannot fulfill your request because it is temporarily overloaded or down for maintenance. You may try your request again at a later time.
Example: Server unavailable